Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fundies preparing for assault on our rights...

I found this amazing, and thoroughly scary link through Canuck Attitude (another great blog,) and wanted to add my own link to it. (Reading something third hand works in this instance...) Dave at The Galloping Beaver has written a great post that should be read by every Canadian who values protecting our civil rights. I won't take up any more of your time - CLICK! READ!


Anonymous said...

Truly scary! Hopefully the fact that only 15% of our population takes the bible literally will make us different from the US. I heard an interview from the guy who will be in charge of that new Institute of Marriage and Family that Focus on the Family is setting up in Ottawa. He was quite cagey when the interviewer tried to get him to distinguish his organization from a lobby group. It is very clear that he plans to be a lobby group, perhaps in a different costume, but a lobby group just the same!

Kas said...

Exactly! I agree with you both, we've got to stay on top of this and keep shouting about it. We can't let them shoo us into silence...

Anonymous said...

just checked this posting and would say that we should be careful of being too complacent about the 'difference' in this country (Bruce).
That being said - there was an interesting contradiction of what I just said - here in Québec today:
nineteen priests (and many more behind them) published a letter in 'Le Press' criticisng their church's stand on gay marriage and homosexuality in general: no response from the hierarchy yet, it seems.