Tuesday, February 07, 2006

On second review...

Ok, so perhaps I was drunk last night with the happiness of Jay getting the bums rush in the Cabinet appointments. Or maybe that spicy burrito I had for supper clouded my judgement. I only know that, in the light of day, I was too optimistic about the Cabinet.

In my second reading I'm freaking out! Toews for Justice Minister??? And Day as Minister of Security??? Yikes! Toews doesn't believe we deserve ANY protection under the Charter - he's made that loud and clear. And Day believes that cave men walked with dinasaurs when the world was created 6000 years ago.

Please read today's Xtra.ca for a great explaination of what might very well be in store for us.


Anonymous said...

Hi kas, can you believe it? Jay Hill has been appointed Party Whip. That is the guy who makes sure that party members behave themselves. I was listening to CB on my travels this week and they were speculating about why Jay did not get a cabinet post. The commentator suggested that it may be that Harper picked people who would behave and that Hill dosn't always toe the party line. That is what Steve and I had been speculating earlier too. Anyway, now he is the guy who is supposed to make sure everyone behaves!

I am still shivering when I hear the words "Prime Minister Stephen Harper". May his reign be short!

Anonymous said...

Hi again,

I just looked at my last post. No, I have not gotten a CB radio! I was listening to CBC!

How's things in your world lately?

Lept said...

Nice to see that BC hasn't been taken over completely!
Confusion reigns here in Québec too...

But as I've been pointing out to whomever I can:
'L'actualité' published the url for a rather useful site:
Harper's ties to the USA - depressing, but what can be more depressing than calling him 'Prime minister'?