Sunday, January 22, 2006

Too Little Too Late?...

I live a quiet life out in the boonies of northeastern BC. My vote on Monday is purely a statement of conscience, because I live in Jay Hill's riding, and the polls say he's leading with 55%. I've lived my life these past years trying to ignore him - and that's been entirely possible with the Reform/Conservatives in the opposition.

So the realistic possiblity of tempering a Tory landslide is not something I'm privy to outside my connection to the rest of the nation via the internet. Today I came across Think Twice and I'm glad that I'm certainly not alone in my worries about our nation's future. But is it too little too late?

Are there enough progressives and moderates in southern Ontario to make a difference? Are the Quebecers really buying the siren song of that wolf in sheep's clothing ?

My people are rushing to the alter in anticipation of the new world order on Tuesday. We know the Tory plan is reckless and will ultimately fail. But it's definitely a "two steps back" scenerio.

And all I can do is sit here in the boonies and wait, and watch...

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