We've named our raven couple Gomez and Morticia (you know - Addams?), so naturally the baby is named Pugsley (though I'm not sure what sex he/she is, yet...)
The iris has always been my favorite flower. I just love them. And I don't see them very much where I live, so I was really happy to find several beds of them on the grounds of City Hall today.
I was driving around this afternoon and came upon this old barn in a newly growing field. The red of the barn is amazing! I really hope the field is canola - the colours will be stunning when it blooms...
These ruins of an old homestead are on the edge of a canola field that I pass several times a week. I'd been wanting to stop and catch the scene for ages - finally did it today...
I'm still trying to get the hang of lunar photos. They say that to take a great pic of the moon is to prove your worth as a photographer. Clearly, I haven't yet proven my worth.
It's been a long Friday at work, and I came home exhausted and not feeling at all creative. I had to let the dogs out, so I grabbed my macro lens and headed to the back yard. Soon I was flat on the ground shooting the dandelions. It was somewhat difficult since the dogs got very excited at the fact that I was on the ground and kept prancing around me, getting in my shot and worse - trampling on my dandelions!!
There had not been a whisper of a breeze. Not for hours. Not until I got outside with the tripod, macro lens and remote. Then Mother Nature decided it was time to blow... ::sigh::
Here is what I did on Friday night. NO, I wasn't in a video game tourney - I was wrestling with putting together the frikin' console table. It looks good, but the holes were the wrong size and in the wrong places - instructions showed incorrect diagrams - it was a nightmare!
But finally I was victorious and now we have a cool looking video game setup. You can't see, but the games themselves are on the built in bookshelf. All in all, I'm happy...
I'm somewhere between middle age and "get off my dang lawn," and my time is spent between home and family, the office, and the ongoing quest to capture the perfect photograph... Unattainable - but oh, so fun!