Well, lots has happened since I last wandered by. The Dems took back the US government (thank the gods,) Michael Richard's career imploded, Friday Night Lights was renewed for the full year, and we all survived the triptophan haze which was the Solsitikkah season. (Although my blog's previous incarnation did not make it out alive, in my turkey stuper I decided to change my template, and lost all my customized add ons, damn it. The warning that stated clearly "all custom yadda yadda will be lost" didn't even register...) I now have to try and remember where I got the HTML coding for the fundie logo - I really liked that one...
Now I know - you've tripped up back in the last paragraph. "Wtf is Solstikah, you ask?" Well, my wife and I - good pagans that we are - celebrate the winter solstice this time of year instead of Xmas. (Don't even get me started on how the early christian church basically stole most the of the festivities from the pagans - Jesus wasn't even born this time of year...) And the wife also has incorporated some Jewish tradition into her belief system. So we created Solsitkah. We celebrate 6 days of Solstikah, beginning with the winter Solstice on the 21st of December and running through Boxing day (December 26 for you Americans.) We exchange a big present on Solstice, then little ones every day, do stockings on the 25th, and finish up on the 26th. We also cook our big feast on the 21st. It's a really cool tradition, and we enjoy it very much. We also exchange a small present the first night of Chanukah, and light the menorah.
I also took holidays beginning on the 20th, which was a really nice break. However, I spent much of it staying up late in the night playing poker. I really think poker will either be my major life lesson, or will be the death of me. I swear - nothing brings out pure rage in me like this game! Yikes! It makes me crazy. In a way that deserves it's own post - look for that soon...